(15 customer reviews)

( 11 Days/10 Nights )

Cairo – Nile Cruise (Aswan / Luxor) – Alexandria – Cairo

Arriving Cairo international airport, upon arrival you will be met by your guides and transferred by coach to your hotel. Overnight.

After breakfast in your hotel you will visit “the Egyptian museum of antiquities, sitting in the shadows of Cairo’s modern town hall, the elegant coral-pink and copper-domed Egyptian Museum strikes a gentle pose. The restrained neo-classical French exterior is little preparation for the awesome array of treasures and ancient wonders that wait silently behind its arched windows.

Stepping through the entrance into the grand central atrium, monumental statues tower overhead from the imposing Colossus of Amenhotep III to King Djoser’s life-size sculpture. The ground floor galleries take you on a trip through time, each room filled with the splendours of a great kingdom. King Narmer’s 5,000 year old palette is an item of major artistic and historical importance.

Ancient Egypt’s cultural wealth is also shown in many other artefacts that reveal the skill of ancient artisans.

But it’s the upper floor that holds the greatest allure. The Tutankhamun Galleries house over 1,700 items including Tutankhamun’s famous tomb, discovered in the Valley of the Kings in West-Thebes, opposite modern Luxor.

The Egyptian Museum is just simply unrivalled with over 136,000 items on display, not mentioning the hundreds of thousands in the basement. These items date back to the very origins of a united Egypt in 3,100 BC. The museum is renowned for holding the finest collection of Egyptian antiquities in the world.

After visit, you have the chance to book a facultative lunch at local Egyptian restaurant.

Then you will visit the renowned Saladin Citadel that was built by Saladin in the 12th Century and was the seat of power for the following 700 years. On the premises is the Alabaster Mosque of Mohammed Ali, one of the landmarks in Cairo whose minaret can be seen from any part of the city. The Mohammed Ali mosque was built in Turkish style,

Also you will visit Khan El Khalili Bazaars Shops in this district are legendary for fine brassware, copper, perfumes, leather, silver, gold, antiques and more! 

At the end of the day you will be transferred to Hotel and overnight in Cairo.

After breakfast in your hotel, check-out, you will be picked by your private Egyptologist to visit the great pyramids – Cheops, Chephren & Mykerions. Cheops is the most colossal ever built. Next is a close-up look at Sphinx – a huge funeral complex guarded by the legendary lion body with the face of king Chephren. The Great Pyramids of Giza built for the Pharaohs Cheops, Chephren and Mycerinus.
They were constructed about 2500 BC with blocks of limestone from the plateau and from the Turah hills on the outskirts of Cairo. The Great Pyramid of Cheops alone, the only present-day survivor of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World,
required over 2,300,000 blocks of stone, each weighing about 2.5 tons. At its base, it covers 13 acres of land. 

Millions of visitors come each year to ponder the fascinating mystery of their existence and explore the ancient burial chambers within.

Pyramids Note: The Great Pyramid has a limited number of tickets available per day for entrance INSIDE through the shaft.  If you are interested in entering inside a pyramid, please let us know n advance then we can arrange it (With extra cost for the ticket) we recommend doing so at one of the other pyramids on the Giza Plateau with unlimited tickets. We can never guarantee the availability of these tickets. 

Also at Pyramids area you can do an optional Camel Ride for 10-15 minutes.

After the historical visit to the pyramids we will move by our bus to visit Memphis,  the capital of the Old Egyptian Kingdom and one of the most important cities
throughout the history of ancient Egypt. From here we drive to Sakkara See the  earliest monumental stone tractor in Egypt, a stepped pyramid built for King Zoser
(c. 2650 BC). Facultative lunch at local restaurant.

At the end of the day we will transfer you to take the night sleeper train to Aswan, dinner and overnight on board of the train.


After early breakfast on board of the train, arrival Aswan, upon arrival you will be transferred direct to your visits to The High Dam built by President Nasser to control the flood of the Nile and travel by motor boat to the Temple of Isis by Lake Nasser on the Island of Philae. We next visit the Granite Quarries and the 170 foot Unfinished Obelisk. Transfer the Nile cruise for check in and lunch on board.

Afternoon you will have the chance for an optional visit to the Nubian Village by Motor boat.

At the end of the day we will transfer you back to the Nile cruise for dinner and overnight on board in Aswan..


After early breakfast on board there is a possibility to book a unique and very special visit  to Abu Simbel Temples by bus ( Optional ).

Lunch and dinner will be served on board the cruise ship.

Sail from Aswan to Kom Ombo, overnight on board at Kom Ombo.


After breakfast, you will visit Kom Ombu temple, the temple shared by the two Pharaohs gods Sobek and Haroeris. Continue sailing to Edfu. 

Arrival Edfu and visit the temple of Horus at Edfu, continue sailing to cross Esna lock and continue sailing to Luxor.

Arrival Luxor and overnight on board.

All meals will be served on board. Overnight on board.


After breakfast, disembarkation from the Nile cruise, we will cross the Nile to the West Bank to visit the Valley of the Kings, where the pharaohs were buried in their grand tombs, visit the huge Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at El Deir-El Bahari, visit the twin Colossi of Memnon. When you are at the Valley of the Kings you have the chance to visit the Tomb of Tut Ankh Amoun and the Tomb of Seti the First (Extra cost).

Cross the Nile back to the East Bank to visit Luxor and Karnak Temples.,

Facultative lunch in a local restaurant at Luxor.

You will have a free time at Luxor till the train departure to Cairo.

At the end of the day we will transfer you to Luxor train station to take the night sleeper train to Cairo.

Dinner and overnight on board of the train.


After early breakfast on board, arrival Cairo train station and direct from there you will be transferred to Alexandria on the Mediterranean sea (about 220 km from Cairo) to have the chance to see another face from the Egyptian history (Greek –Roman and modern) including the visit of the Catacomb, Alexandria Library, EL Morsi Abu EL Abbas Mosqueview Qaiet Bay Citadel from outside and El Montazah Palace area.

Facultative lunch in a good fish restaurant at Alexandria.

At the end of the day you will be transferred to your hotel  check-in and overnight at your hotel in Alexandria.

After breakfast you will have the rest of the day free in the swimming pool or on the beach at Alexandria.  Overnight at your hotel in Alexandria. 

After breakfast you will be transferred back to Cairo and the rest of the day will be free on the swimming pool at your hotel or optional tour to visit the Old Cairo: The optional visit of OLD CAIRO (Jewish, Christian and Islamic sights)

After breakfast,transfer to Cairo Airport for your flight back to your country.

The above itinerary is flexible and may be changed in sequence aaccording to the operating ship but not on visits.

Tour prices & Payment Policy:

25% Payment will be three months before client’s arrival.

25% Payment we be one month before client’s arrival.

50% Payment will be one week before client’s arrival.

Children Policy:

  • Child from 0 year till 5.99 years, free of charge sharing parent’s room/cabin.
  • One child maximum sharing parent’s room/cabin.
  • Child from 12 years & over will be charged full fare.
  • Child from 06 till 11.99 years old will be charged

Cancellation fees:

In case of cancellation after confirmation, the below cancellation fee will be applicable.

  Cancellations between 40 & 30 days: 10 % from the total amount as a cancellation fee.

  Between 30 & 15 days: 25 % from the total amount a cancelation fee.

  Between 15 & 1 days    : 50% from the total amount as a cancellation fee.

-No Show : full Cancellation fee

15 reviews for KHNOM PROGRAM

  1. wrfs

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  2. Abe

    A medida que se acerca rápidamente la temporada de verano, los fanáticos de los relojes de todo el mundo decidirán qué piezas estarán en su rotación durante los meses de sol y diversión. Oris ha puesto a su consideración un dúo de relojes de buceo, inspirados en la fruta más asociada con los días largos y calurosos; Saluda a los nuevos replicas relojes Oris Aquis Date “Taste of Summer” Watermelon en jugosos tonos de rojo y verde que se producirán por tiempo limitado.

  3. Bryan

    Auf der Watches & Wonders 2024 stellte Oris die neueste Generation der Aquis vor, seiner Flaggschiff-Taucheruhrenkollektion. Die beiden neuen, von Wassermelonen inspirierten Farbvarianten folgen demselben Design; sie verfügen über 41,50 mm große, 12,9 mm dicke Stahlgehäuse,replica uhren die bis 300 Meter wasserdicht sind. Die einseitig drehbare Stahllünette beherbergt einen weißen Keramikeinsatz, der mit einer 60-Minuten-Skala in der gleichen Farbe wie das Zifferblatt versehen ist.

  4. Calvin

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  5. Dexter

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  6. Edmund

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  8. Harry

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  9. Ian

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  10. Ken

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  12. Martin

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