
Sharm El-Shaikh

Sharm El-Shaikh

It is considered to be among the most charming picturesque ‎destinations in the world, with its majestic mountains, luxurious beaches and beautiful clear water.

Sharm El-Sheikh, the biggest and most important city of Sinai, lies at the southern flank of the Peninsula where the two gulfs of Aqaba and Suez meet with the Red Sea.

This led to have more distinctive environment which is the key element in the tourist attraction. Thus, at Sharm el-Sheikh there is the most important nature reserves as in Ras Mohammed and Nabq. The most important areas as well as Ras Nasrani; Ras Umm Sid along with Ras Mohammed.

Every day Sharm el-Sheikh is witnessing a new. So Every time you visit it you realize something different. Today is different from yesterday. This is the truth that has turned it with its vast desert and high mountains to a modern city in 10 years only. For this reason Sharm el Sheikh is qualified to win the top five cities peace in the world among the 400 global city. It has been given the finest city in the world for peace and ‎beauty by the United Nations Educational, Science, ‎and Cultural Organization, the UNESCO.

Sharm el Sheikh is currently linked to the rest of the touristic areas in Egypt by land, sea and air, as well as foreign tourist markets, the Arab and the international one. Besides, stability within the local community, investors and city visitors.

Sharm el-Sheikh has been chosen as the best city of peace around the world because of the many conferences and meetings that were held over its territory demanding a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East.

Additionally, Sharm el-Sheikh attracted marine lovers from all over the world and all ages. It has hosted youth camps from most parts of the world as well as other advantages that Sharm el Sheikh is distinguished with as unique charming nature of its mountains; golden beaches, azure waters, charming coral reefs with its own depths that attract divers and researchers in the depths of the pristine nature of up to 250 of coral reefs and thousands of fish and marine creatures.

In addition to its natural protectorates in Ras Mohammed, Nabq and Abu Galoum. There are natural reserves which contain geological features, valleys, Granite Mountains, sand dunes, rare birds, animals, reptiles and deer. It also includes mangrove forest that is ideal home for breeding birds. Sharm el Sheikh Visitors also enjoy this wonderful landscape

Sharm el-Sheikh is considered one of the newest recreation and relaxation areas in the world, where 150 hotels have been built to be a resort within ten years, that the hotel itself is a mean for fun and recreation. It never allow the tourists to search for another place for entertainment, there are luxury restaurants that providing oriental and Western cuisine, as well as cafes and nightclubs.

There are also multiple activities, from horseback riding, play tennis, the amusement of children, water skiing, snorkeling or scuba diving or water excursions to enjoy the natural wealth water that Tourists can see it in the sea, on his boat or its glass.

Diving: Diving is one of the important hobbies that spread nowadays in Sharm. As the No. of athlete practicing this hobby reaches 100,000 one.

Ras Mohammed is Egypt’s first protected area that is a world-famous area with several top diving locations. It is a cape formed by ancient corals; you can see those emerging on the surface of the sea. It is indisputably one of the most beautiful places in South Sinai. Due to currents carrying out of the Gulf of Aqaba, the underwater inhabitants of the area are simply exceptional and a lot of fish come here from the open seas in the search for food and shelter: you’ll observe an unperceived abundance of hard and soft corals, as well as big schools of tunas, barracudas, jackfish and even sharks. Only to name a few, Shark and Yolanda reefs are “the” Red Sea dive.

Strong currents bringing in a wide variety of fishes made the spot one of the most perfect sites for underwater photography.

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